- Write an article on line. EZineArticles is just one example of this. Showcase what you know about your business, something that no one else knows better than you. What is the one thing you can bring to the table that sets you apart from the masses? That is your niche.
- Start a blog. It's free, it's easy and it's a great way way to get the word about what you do best. But be brief and straight to the point. Remember to offer useful information.
- Write for your local newspaper, journal or newsletter. The subject of the article shouldn't be about you or your business. It should be about an issue or topic that affects your customers or business owners like you. It has be informative and have mass appeal. At the end of the article, the editor will give you a chance to write a byline that will give you some free publicity.
The best thing about establishing yourself as an expert on a particular topic is that it gives you instant credibility. People will start to listen to you. Then, they'll start to believe in you. People will support something they believe in, don't you? Good luck !