Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Make a Friend

Do you want a surefire way to get some free publicity? Make a friend with a journalist! Create a Top Ten List of media contacts. The list should include those journalists who are most likely to tell your story. Know their beats and be sure to craft a clever pitch. Remember to include television, radio and print media contacts.
Once you have that Top Ten List, concentrate on getting to know those journalists. We are not talking about 'sucking up' here. Journalists are very perceptive people! They can smell a 'brown noser' a mile away! Simply learn to build a rapport with your contacts. Get to know them as genuine, regular people...like you would a new friend. See if you share common interests and/or hobbies. Remember, journalists are just like you and me.
Free publicity doesn't always happen overnight. But if you are smart, you'll have a consistent stream of newsworthy publicity for your business and you may just make a couple of good friends in the process!

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