Friday, March 13, 2009

Ask The Expert

What can you do better than anyone else you know?  What is that special skill that you take for granted?  Think hard, now.  There has to be something.  Can you balance your checkbook better than the rest of your friends?  Are you super organized or a really snazzy dresser?  Can you read a two hundred page book in just a few hours?  

Don't sell yourself short.  What you may not think is a 'big deal', could actually be the makings of great free publicity.  One of the best ways to get free publicity is to build it around something you can provide better than anyone else.  That is what's gonna drive customers to your front doors and viewers to your websites.  People will pay for a product or service that comes from someone who calls him or herself "an expert".  But you better deliver what you promise.  Don't oversell yourself...because you will destroy your credibility.  

No credibility=No publicity.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Make a Memorable Moment

When I was a television reporter, the one question I heard over and over was:  " What is your memorable moment?".  If I couldn't definitely answer that question, it meant that my story was average or run of the mill.  That meant it was time to go back to the drawing board.  Asking myself that question on a regular basis challenged me to think outside of my comfort zone.  The result was a story that lead the newscast...a story that was memorable.

When it comes to free publicity, asking yourself that same question will elevate your business to another level.  No longer will you be average or garden variety.  You create a need or a reason why someone should offer your business, product or service free publicity.  Creating a memorable moment will separate you from the masses.  It can make the difference between whether or not you get that call back from a television producer.  So the next time you seek free publicity, ask yourself:  WHAT IS MY MEMORABLE MOMENT?".